Monday 20 July 2009

ramble, prattle over

I did promise to blog more and show more of my creations. Well I have been really busy. Not crafting I am afraid and I have very little to share but I am going to keep blogging along.

My dear aunt who was like a mum to me visited last week from Barbados. I am lucky enough to have spent 2 days with her. She has gone to visit family and friends in London and beyond this week and next and then she will return to her family in the West Indies. I really miss her.

So life has been in effect getting in the way. In a good way.

On the homefront the work men from hell are still bodging every job and making my heart heavy. I am trying not to freak out too much. Today is an off day. My home is a no workmen zone. I needed some time out around here. I won't see them now til Weds. Whoopee Doopee doo.

Marcus has broken up from school today. I know, it seemed really silly going in for just one day but he had a fab time so I am really please for him. My young man goes back next year to enter his final year of Primary. I cannot believe that already.

Today and tomorrow are make and play days. I have to get some things finished and sent off.

ramble, prattle over. I forgot how cathartic blogging is.

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts. You let me know I'm not on my own.