Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Doll making

I have been busy making Dolls.  Whoops!  I don't seem to be able to sit quite still as a crafter.  I never have really.  What I love about doll making is the possiblity of including just about all the other crafts I know and love.  I hope I will be satisfied with the challenge of making new dolls for a while.

Lots of things have been going on.  I am teaching two students to sew.  I am thrilled with their work so far.  That has been keeping me busy and upbuilt.  As for family all are well and they give me a huge list of tasks daily, that's been keeping me busy too.  Marcus's end of year party looms an this weekend we are off to Llandudno.  I hope the glorious weather holds out.  Anyhow here's what I've been up to lately.


  1. she is absolutely lovely, how talented you are !
    monique xoxo

  2. Thank you hunny. She'll do for my first attempt.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts. You let me know I'm not on my own.