Saturday, 9 June 2007

Charmed I am sure.

These are a few of the charms that were made for the charm swap on UKS. I love them. They are now going to hang and dangle from my handbag as having them on my wrist is far too heavy but I want them to be displayed and also be somewhere that I can admire them.

I have a few more to add but need some jump rings before they can be added.

I have had quite an eventful week. Spent the day with Cheryl on Monday in Wilmslow and ate Fish and Chips for lunch (that was necessary; to soak up all the alcohol from Sunday's over indulgence at our barbecue). Tuesday I went into Manchester and picked a few cheap things up from Primark. I do love the prices, but my conscience is pricked when I think about how they are manufactured; slave labour or thereabouts. Still I don't do all of my cloth shopping in places like this or do I? What choice is there for consumers. Must look into this a bit more.

I spent a fab day with my friend Lou and her new baby Harry. I think he is teething as he seemed pretty restless on the day or it could have been the weather as it was very warm. I did take some really cute piccies of him. I hope his mum and dad don't mind me sharing.

He is such a cutie.

I also got my CJ back. Whoopee. I am loving every page. My CJ was based on techniques. Each page had to include that technique. The work is stunning I hope you will agree. Thanks to all the girls on UKS from the WIYHCJ.

I wonder what this week will hold in store?


  1. Mon, Love the charms and all the cj pages, great idea!! - and wee H is the cutiest little thing in the world ever!!! - thats a great photo!!

  2. The charms are gorgeous irl... and I love how you have them hanging from your bag... and OMG how bleedin gorgeous is that baby!!! too cute for words!!!

    The cj looks like it was successful.. can't wait to see it irl:)


Thank you for sharing your thoughts. You let me know I'm not on my own.