Friday, 27 April 2007

I am loving paper beads. I have been playing again and I have affixed a paper bead and a seed bead to a piece of wire through the bottom of the dolls head. I am liking the way it looks.


  1. oh aren't you clever... I have never made paper beads before, thanks for sharing this... it is fab... who needs troll beads eh?

  2. I love troll beads too, but aren't they expensive. I am loving the ones I've made more.

  3. The beads and the charm are beautiful.I made beads from strips of paper years ago but they weren't like this!!!How do you make them? (if you don't mind me asking)

  4. I've made the beads using UTEE and paper and mica powders.

  5. Monika, I love these mini masks they are so effective.......fab work. Must do more jewellery !!!!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts. You let me know I'm not on my own.