Monday, 17 January 2011

Super quick and easy seals.

Not the furry kind that you find in colder climes.  No!  The kind that replace stikcy tape.  Those cute little adhesive stickers that have an image or some other cuteness to detract from the fact that they are just holding two bits of paper together.  All things can be pretty as far as I am concerned if you are bored enough or strange enough to have these random ideas.

This is what you end up with.

I'd go with this option over expensive seals or boring tape.  To make your own, grab one of my very cute stamps.Hit the shop link, or use one you have already.  Roll out some tape about 8" and lay this gently on the reverse with the stick side up.  Take you inked stamp and hit the tape.  Re ink before each hit.  You can make your own deco tape in this manner as and when you need it.  Mix and match your ink colours and stamps for something a little more flavoursome.

What hides inside this package is a recent swap item pocket doll swap on swapbot.

I hope the recipient likes it.

Now don't just sit there getting lost in cyberspace.  Go do some making and make your hands happy!


  1. Love that idea Monika, shan't chat any longer am following your advice and am off to get creative BEFORE I go to work LOL! Sue ♥

  2. Hello Fox friend,
    this is a bit of a nifty space you've got here!
    I enjoy the photo-goodness you have on display!
    Happy blogging you! x x x


Thank you for sharing your thoughts. You let me know I'm not on my own.