Sunday, 11 January 2009

...and a Happy New Year!

New year, fresh start. I am wiping all slates clean and starting again. I am forgiving myself for all the dumb things I did in 08 and starting a fresh in 09 (making mistakes that is; I will be forgiving myself this time next year so what they hey).

My hopes for this year are many but the most important one of all is spending more quality time with my family. So what are we going to do to make sure this happens? Firstly, we are going on holiday. I am yet to book something but I have begun the holiday fund so I am working towards my biggest goal. We did not holiday last year as I was lumpy. (Hugs to all the lumpy ones out there). This year has to be different. Our holiday won't be anything grand, credit crunch and all. It is likely to be at home as John won't fly. I fancy Wales. Portmerion to be precise, but staying in the resort could prove to be too costly so I imagine somewhere close will have to do. Must get researching. I cannot wait.

My mojo ran off towards the end of last year. Being a new mum again affected my artistic stride. I have relocated my craft nest; I can now be found dominating the space dining room. My latest find is Tyvek. I've painted a few sheets to play with later. I promise to post the results, but only if they are good.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing wrong with holidaying in this country... we are doing Butlins at Minehead this year, perfect to entertain the boys, and if they're happy then so are mum and dad:)
    Hope to see the mojo return soon


Thank you for sharing your thoughts. You let me know I'm not on my own.